Sunday, August 15, 2010

Settling in....

OK! So finally some pics. We finally have internet at home, and better yet we were able to set up a wireless router as the lan line is in the kids room. As Jess wrote before, we are settling in and are in our new home in Jimeta (Yola North) called Transit Camp. The following photos are a glimpse of where we are:

Jet Lagged in Abuja. This is the morning after arrival in Abuja. We needed to wake up early to catch are ride to get the flight to Yola. Addie woke around midnight and it took awhile to get her settled. This is her still passed out, the worst of it is that Jess slept with her on that couch most of the night (I won't share her picture).

As mentioned earlier we stayed at the president's former home in the guest cottage. Down the street from us was this view. The Benue River can be made out before the mountains.

Happy day. This is when we moved into our new quaters at Transit Camp. I don't know why it called Transit Camp, not the best name, but perhaps because it requires some transit in order to get to the permanent campus. Anywho the girls were happy to be home.

A better view of our home.

Garden day! We are trying (though likely feebly) to establish some gardens in the back of the house. Emma and Addie are proud of there watermelon and cantelope...we'll see.

As you can see we are making our home here. We have a lot of issues to settle and many things to figure out. This week work starts and we will have more of a routine. I will post more about work this week.


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